our story

we value:

Diversity & Inclusion

Accessible Wellness

Supportive Community

Quality Education

Practice pilates every day? Have no idea what the heck it is? Our #1 goal is to create a safe & supportive space, whether you find yourself in our studio or on-demand.


More than just

In the press

Challenging the industry

Founder of Speir On-Demand

Andrea's Method & ExPertise

Since obtaining her 600 hour full comprehensive certification in pilates and apparatus instruction through Power Pilates in 2006, Andrea has spent years teaching full-time in the top studios in LA and crafting her unique spin on Pilates and training.

Andrea Speir has been changing the pilates game for over 18 years. She exudes a love for Pilates, fitness and health and loves nothing more than helping others become healthy and strong.

Meet andrea

 Speir Pilates




Andrea holds a degree in theater and dance from UC Irvine, and specialty post-graduate training in physiology from Stanford University, which come into play in her targeted, educated, but playful approach.

Andrea developed a style and method of teaching Pilates that incorporates modern cardio aerobics with lengthening and sculpting movements that deliver amazing results, which has attracted an impressive roster of celebrities and private clientele.

Andrea's Method & Experience


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Andrea is constantly challenging the way fitness is taught & consumed. She stars in three top selling DVD’s, “Sculpt and Sweat” (2018), “Trim, Tighten and Tone” (2014) and “Perfect Pilates Body” (2013). She developed Perfect Pilates Body into the first Pilates-related fitness app on iTunes. Her app reached the iTunes top 100 fitness apps charts within weeks of its release and remains one of the best selling pilates apps on the platform. 

Andrea is also a pre and postnatal fitness specialist, and is a featured writer and contributor for Parenting Magazine, Fit Pregnancy Magazine, and The Tot.

She's become a leader in the industry with her involvement in pilates-related digital content.

Challenging the industry


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Andrea is the creator and star of top fitness app, Speir On-Demand, which features over 300 athletic reformer and mat workouts, with new workouts released every week.

Andrea's background in on-camera fitness, content creation and formatting, clear and direct cueing, and contagious personality will make you feel as if you are with her in person in every single workout. 

Founder of Speir On-demand


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She has been featured on multiple media outlets, gracing the cover of Women's Health Magazine, Yoga Journal, and Pilates Style Magazine twice. She was named one of the top 5 next fitness stars in the country by Women's Health and starred in workout videos for their site. She was the fitness trainer for Germany's Next Top Model, and frequently works as a fitness expert on various TV talk shows, such as The Doctors, The Kris Jenner Show, Good Day LA, ABC news and more. 

You can see her in magazines, blogs and TV including- Shape, Self, Fitness, Women's Health, In Style, ABC News, Fox, CBS, Hallmark Channel, ESPN.com, GOOP, FatFitFun, Lorna Jane MNB, Activeliving.com, Greatist, Carbon38, and more.

In the Press


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Co-Founder, Andrea Speir


 Speir Pilates



Liz & Andrea, Co-Founders

with love,


Within Speir Pilates, we also have work to do. We will never stop prioritizing diverse hiring practices, we will remain an inclusive and welcoming environment for our staff and clientele and we will continue to engage in our efforts to effectuate change in a manner that is authentic and honest, without engaging in tokenism or conveniently succumbing to the pressures of the industry. 

There’s lots of great potential in all of us. Let’s sweat, have fun and spread these good vibes. We all deserve it!    

I began to dive into the business of Pilates and learn more about the fitness industry as a whole — including the pay inequities, the costly certifications, the implicit and explicit biases, and other gating factors that make pilates inaccessible. This lit up my desire to find ways that we, a boutique fitness studio, can influence change in a field that struggles with diversity.

The importance of inclusion and diverse representation in the fitness industry goes beyond the value of having diverse teachers, it builds a foundation for the recognition that everyone deserves to feel happy, healthy and fit, regardless of their shape, size or race. 

At Speir, we’ve focused our energy on the pipeline and, in 2019, we began sponsoring Pilates Certification for passionate candidates from underrepresented groups in this industry, with financial need and a desire to make this a career.

“I had been testing every new fitness trend for years, but when I discovered Pilates, I fell in love with this extraordinary exercise methodology. I wanted to dive in but, in LA, I often felt like an outsider when I entered fitness studios, so I searched high and low for the best pilates instructor and hoped they’d also share my values around body positivity and inclusion. I was introduced to celebrity pilates trainer and innovator, Andrea Speir, and the synergy was so real that we co-founded Speir Pilates." 

A noTe from Co-founder, liz

Have access to pilates



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